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SECOLive 2023: 
October 19-22, 2023
Charleston, SC, USA
We are delighted to extend 0% financing by offering the following payment options:

Choose your payment option

  • Preferred option
    SECOLive 2023 (One payment)$1200.00
  • Preferred option
    SECOLive 2023 (3 installments of $400 each)3x $400.00
  • Preferred option
    SECOLive 2023 (6 installments of $200 each)6x $200.00
  • Preferred option
    SECOLive 2023 (12 installments of $100 each)12x $100.00

Contact information

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I have already registered and agreed to the terms of the event here:
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Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


SECO Live Registration$0

I’ve been part of this group for four great years! SECO is a mass of vibrant voice business leaders moving the industry forward, supporting and challenging each other, arriving confidently into new markets, with COLORFUL ideas and initiatives that empower our clients.

Eden Casteel
SECOLive 2022

Just returned from a wonderful weekend in Charleston, SC, with TheSpeakeasyCooperative, a group of like-minded, #beastyboss independent voice business owners. We talked, danced, sang, laughed, cried, dreamed and planned about our businesses and the upcoming year.

For me, personally, it was a very affirming and inspiring time being able to really see and appreciate ALL that I have dreamed and done in the past five years. Y’all, there are some pretty exciting and special things coming for Sonnenberg Voice. We’re growing and expanding in ways that I never really envisioned until now.

And I was truly able to see how much I’ve accomplished in the last year alone as a business owner, let alone the five years since I opened the doors! I met and really got to know so many of my friends and colleagues IN PERSON for the first time. It felt so good.

Lori L. Sonnenberg
SECOLive 2022

Just came back from #SECOLive2022, held in Charleston, South Carolina!!! What an incredible weekend of learning, goal setting, and friendship with other voice professionals! 

Upper Floor Studio
SECOLive 2022

  • Total payment
  • 1xSECO Live Registration$0

All prices in USD
